With only two more days in Costa Rica, Marco and I said our good-byes and parted ways early today so I can do a final daytrip: either revisit the lovely town of San Ramon where I stayed for a couple nights last year; or get a room for two nights in Alajuela, near the airport, and take the bus up to the nearby Poas volcano early tomorrow morning.
As I type this dispatch in downtown San Jose while enjoying a delicious cafe con leche I'm still undecided about which to do, but I've noted on my map where the respective bus terminals are located. Both of them are within walking distance from where I sit.
San Ramon is further away from here--a half hour or so west of Alajuela and the airport--and the terminal I need here is also further away from the nearby TUAS terminal for buses to Alajuela. It might be worth it to go that distance, but if I select that option I won't have enough time to get to the volcano tomorrow. But if the weather cooperates with plenty of sunshine in the morning as it's doing today, then a trip to Poas could be well worth the effort.
Check back here again to learn which way I went!
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