Monday, May 31, 2010

Sun May 30 Los Esclavos (Day 7)

So I take another day here in this quiet & beautiful corner of the world but I`m really not in any hurry (unless I`m in a hurry to get to Merida, Venezuela). Saturday was impossible because of the rain & I had to wait longer for some laundry I`d sent out--clothesline in the wind is still their primary dryer in this part of the world.

Then I`ve been vexed by what`s turning into a major annoyance with my bank during what happens to be a three day weekend in the States. I cannot call them til Tuesday; meanwhile do I stay in Guatemala to do that or should I soldier onward & see about it in El Salvador?

Finally the local area has experienced a natural disaster--if not of epic proportions, then it`s been enough for crowds of local Sunday tourists to stream in all day long to rubberneck like me. Although at least three houses were badly damaged or destroyed, I am not aware of any injuries or loss of life. Most places in the area, including my hotel, still have electricity--although the owner told me the telephone is out & now he has to accept credit cards manually, the old fashioned way, with carbon copied slips. Remember those?

Some local people are busy cleaning up at the stone bridge, which was partly damaged last night. By the ferocity of this roaring muddy, swollen river I`m amazed that the whole bridge wasn`t swept away. The guilt-plagued "wealthy" Western tourist in me wants to help them if I can, but the pragmatist in me says I don´t have appropriate footwear for the task. These people are wearing rubber boots or real shoes.

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